06 Jan What is the EMR Mandate?
Well, simply put, the EMR Mandate is a provision of a comprehensive bill passed by congress demanding the conversion of patient charts to electronic systems.
Let me introduce you to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or the ARRA. This legislation is aimed at creating more funding and a network of incentives that can be directly go towards healthcare professionals or physicians who are ready to adopt EMR and abide by the concept of “meaningful use” of Electronic Medical Records by 2014. This, in essence, is the “EMR Mandate”.
The ARRA contains healthcare components that help with the adoption, development, and application of electronic medical record, EMR, systems for all patients in 2014. This includes the transfer of past paper medical records into electronic format. It has been both Bush’s and Obama’s dream, starting in 2004, that all patients have an electronic health record file – revolutionizing individual data.
Starting in early January 2015, the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) act will penalize those who do not comply with the EMR Mandate. To receive the applicable funding from the program, health practitioners must understand and prove meaningful use of patient medical records and from the use of certified EHR, electronic health records, technologies.
Medical practitioners who do not pass meaningful healthcare use their Medicare payments will be reduced by 1%, reduction increases to 2% if in 2016 they still not be able to demonstrate their meaningful use. And increased to 3% in subsequent years. If the HHS (Health and Human Service) Department found that in the end of 2017 meaningful user is still less than 75% proportion of the payment reduction will resume again at 1% per year. But in some cases such as doctors who practice in places that do not reach the internet, there are exceptions for them.
Because all medical facilities must convert their paper charts and records to electronic format, Kristin Muller Transcription Services offers an EMR set up or conversion service. Visit the page for more information, and contact us today to discuss your specific needs to comply with the EMR Mandate.